
St Cecilia's Primary School Glen Iris
Thank you for considering St. Cecilia’s Primary School for your child's education. We are very proud of the work we do and the opportunities that we provide for our students. We look forward to meeting you soon to talk about your child’s enrolment.
Enrolments for Foundation (Prep) are taken the year prior to commencing school. We encourage you to book a school tour by contacting our school office on 9809 2142 or by emailing principal@scgleniris.catholic.edu.au. Foundation enrolments are open to all students who turn 5 years by 30th April of the year they begin school.
To enrol at St Cecilia's we ask you to complete an enrolment form, available online or from the school office. When submitting an enrolment from, we ask you to provide:
Birth certificate
Baptism certificate
Immunisation certificate
Passport if the child is born overseas

Hear From Our Students
“There are so many things that are lovely about St Cecilia's. Firstly, we have lovely computers. We have funny teachers who make us laugh and take care of us. We also have two playgrounds. My favourite one is the top playground because it has the monkey bars. I love junior choir, and we sometimes get to go on excursions to sing in front of people. When I come into St Cecilia's it makes me feel all warm and joyful.”
Charlotte, Student
“What I like about St. Cecilia’s is the people. When I came to St. Cecilia's I made new friends on the first day because all the students were so welcoming and friendly. But also, the teachers are so kind and caring of anyone. They will always ask polite questions like “How are you going?” The people of St. Cecilia’s have made my experience 10 times better. I have become a more independent and better person at St. Cecilia’s.”
Ned, Student

Hear From Our Students

Hear From Our Parents
"Our family has been part of the St Cecilia's community since 2016 and with our fourth child starting in 2022, we will be there for some time to come. The sense of school spirit, moral values and community that encompasses both students and families is something that is highly appreciated and cherished. We have found the teaching staff and faculty to be professional, motivated and very approachable and their knowledge of our children is always comprehensive. St Cecilia's has provided a safe and nurturing environment in which to learn and develop academically and socially and we're incredibly thankful to the school for this opportunity for our children."
Sarah, Parent

Enrolment in Other Levels
Enquiries about enrolments for students in other year levels are welcome. Availability of positions will be dependent on current numbers and be controlled so as to:
Provide optimum learning facilities for each child
Ensure the size of the school is broadly consistent with the wishes of the school community
To enquire about enrolment in year levels other than Prep, call the office on 9809 2142 or email principal@scgleniris.catholic.edu.au

Before & After School Care - Camp Australia
Camp Australia centrally administers our Out of School Hours Care programs (OSHC), which is managed by the supervisor and assistants. The program is available every morning from 7am and in the afternoons until 6:30pm. You can register at www.campaustralia.com.au and search for St Cecilia’s in Victoria.
For further information ring Camp Australia on 1300 105 343.
Breakfast is supplied in the mornings and a healthy snack in the afternoons. St Cecilia's OSHC follows all health and hygiene regulations as well as the Heart Foundation Nutrition Policy. It adheres to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development frameworks. Many of the activities are educational as they include a policy of incidental learning.

Buddy Program
Our senior students enjoy being a buddy to our newest students in Foundation. A feeling of belonging and connection is important for all students and buddies help the youngest students to settle in and have fun!
School Open Days
Open Days and Tours for Enrolment
The best way to get to know St. Cecilia’s is to visit our vibrant campus. We offer two different ways for you to tour our School and meet our Community.
Guided Tour Prospective families are always welcome to take a tour of the school at any time throughout the year. The Principal will generally conduct tours and will be happy to not only show you around the facilities but also answer any general questions that you may have.
Open Day Open Day is held in March and is our showcase event. Families can visit by making a booking during the Open Day (9am-5pm) and go on a guided tour, visit our 'hot spots' and activities, and meet our Community in an informal setting.
All tours are by appointment only.
Please contact the school office on 9809 2142 or email enquiry@scgleniris.catholic.edu.au to make a booking.

A Snapshot of Our Day