Our Community
St Cecilia's Primary School Glen Iris
St Cecilia’s School thrives on parents as partners in their child’s education. Parents are the first educators of their children and their ongoing engagement with their children’s learning is vital to their success. An ongoing partnership between the school and parents ensures that the values taught, and the high expectations set, have the most beneficial impact on children’s wellbeing and learning outcomes.
Family involvement and positive relationships between the school and families are essential to the success of our school. We believe that parents have a special place in the community. Children learn from both parents and teachers, but it is parents who have the long term responsibility for their child’s welfare. Children benefit if parents and teachers are able to work in partnership, and if they see their parents involved in the life of the school and in their education.
Values & Beliefs
At St Cecilia’s School we believe that:
Parents, teachers and children should strive to live Gospel values such as integrity, trust and respect for each other
Parents and teachers work together for the educational benefit of each child
All parents should be encouraged to be active members of the school community
Parents, teachers and children work together to form a caring community in which everyone feels welcomed and included
Successful school partnerships depend on open and honest communication; everyone in our school community has a voice and will be listened to with respect

Parish Connection
At St. Cecilia's, students are given a very strong foundation in the traditions, beliefs, stories and values of the Catholic Church. Faith formation is fostered in partnership with the parish through family, whole school and class liturgical celebrations, and the sacramental programs for First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation.
St Cecilia’s School belongs within St Cecilia’s parish community. Especially while your children attend our school, we invite you and your family to join our parish community as often as you can for Sunday Mass. Above all, we invite you to join us for the great celebrations of Easter and Christmas.
At St Cecilia’s, faith is something that is alive and lived daily. The school and community make faith real for the students by challenging them to think about what we can do for others in tangible ways. The message of ‘living Christ’s love for others’ is expressed in the way that staff and students care for each other, through numerous outreach and social justice initiatives, and through daily prayer and meditation.

School Advisory Council
The School Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where the voice of parents/carers and the wider parish informs and supports the decisions made by the principal and parish priest for the good of school and parish. At all times, School Advisory Councils have the wellbeing of, and outcomes for, students as a paramount consideration.
The School Advisory Council supports the school and the principal in many ways, including by:
• supporting the development of child safety initiatives and culture
• promoting the school’s Catholic ethos and culture
• articulating and enacting the school’s vision and mission
• promoting faith formation and development
• assisting with capital resource planning and maintenance
• disseminating information about the school in accordance with the Terms of Reference for School Advisory Councils
• implementing school policies as required
• supporting and communicating school and parish matters, including the school’s annual report
• giving advice on issues such as enrolments, school improvement plans and enrolment trends
• engaging in discussion about the annual school budget and other financial matters
• giving advice about the school’s master plan.
St. Cecilia's School Advisory Council Members for 2023 are:
Paul Townsend Marty McKenna Sarah Begley Jen McGrath Laura McCarthy Matt Mooney Father Kevin
2023 Chairperson: Paul Townshend


Parents' Association
The St. Cecilia’s Parents’ Association is a very active component of our school community. We aim to create an engaging and vibrant hub for all families and to foster a strong and supportive community spirit among the parents of the school, thereby enhancing every student’s sense of belonging. A school that has strong parent, teacher and community engagement creates a nurturing environment and successful learning outcomes for all students.
Our Parent’s Association provides the formal structure necessary to ensure effective organisation and action. They provide some important services to the school community such as:
Promoting a sense of community spirit within the school through the organising of parent and community functions and social events
Managing school fundraising opportunities
Providing an opportunity for parents to connect, make friends and learn more about what is going on at St. Cecilia’s
Sharing the responsibility for the management of the Uniform Shop and the Canteen
Supporting new families to the school.
Promoting and supporting school banking
Organising and managing significant celebrations, such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and Grandparents Day
Supporting Grade 6 Graduation
Looking for ways to improve the family and school partnership by meeting regularly with the school Principal

Get Involved
Opportunities to be involved include:
Participation at School and Class Masses, and Sacramental preparation and celebrations
Classroom helpers: e.g. literacy and numeracy assistance, guest speakers, excursions
Working Bee, PA (Parent’s Association), Education Advisory Committee, special curriculum days, social events
Attend Family Curriculum Evenings, Information Nights, and Parent Teacher Meetings
Complete questionnaires and surveys to inform school practice
Making suggestions and sharing ideas with parent representative groups. Supporting learning at home: e.g. homework and home reading, engaging with the school newsletter and supporting school community events.

Hear From Our Students
“I love how St. Cecilia’s is an inclusive community. I feel like at St. Cecilia’s I am encouraged to do my best learning. There are lots of empowering opportunities at St. Cecilia’s such as Robogals, Sustainability Summit, Tournament of the Mind, just to name a few. I’m sure you will love it here.”
Sabrina, Student
“I like St. Cecilia’s because the teachers are so caring and lovely. Also, all the kids can be who they are and no one will judge them for that. Finally, the school is a wonderful place with trees and flowers. The playgrounds are fun and you can play wherever you like during playtime.”
Tom, Student

Hear From Our Students

Hear From Our Parents
“There is a strong sense of community at St Cecilias. From the moment we joined in Prep, we felt that we had joined a caring and nurturing community, dedicated to ensuring a wonderful learning experience for the kids.”
Jennifer, Parent